Carmel Motors
5350 N Keystone Ave, Indianapolis, IN
(317) 765-2251
Closed. Opens Monday at 10:00 AM
Closed. Opens Monday at 10:00 AM

Best car trade-in values in Indianapolis

We accept all makes & models... ATVs & motorcycles too

You’ll instantly reduce the amount of money you need to finance your car. That means lower monthly payments.

You’ll slash the purchase price of any car or truck you buy ... and that automatically decreases your Indiana state sales tax.

Your trade-in boosts your down payment amount. And that may open up even better financing options for you.

You’ll save so much time — and avoid the headaches of advertising your car and trying to sell it on your own.

And, we’re more than happy to buy your trade-in even if you’re still paying monthly car payments on it.

Vehicle Information1 / 4

Get started by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make and model, or your license plate.

History & Condition2 / 4
Photos (Optional)3 / 4
Contact Information4 / 4
Estimated Offer5 / 4

Wait! Before you sell your car privately ...

These 8 risks make “For Sale By Owner” a bad deal:

It may take weeks or months to sell. And you’ll continue to pay your car insurance, taxes & loan until you finally get a buyer.

You’ll have to be okay with wasted time & no-shows. You’ll be dealing with people who may or may not be serious buyers.

There are hidden costs. You’ll have to fix cosmetic and mechanical problems. Plus, you’ll have to pay to advertise.

How do you feel about going for test drives with complete strangers? Or letting them drive your car alone?

If something goes wrong with the deal, you have no one to help make it right. Now you’re back to square one.

You’ll have to let your guard down and meet up with strangers, allowing them to come to your home or onto your property.

It’s super important to protect yourself against liability claims ... even after the new person takes ownership.

And your efforts might not pay off. After all the hassles, time, and expense, you still may not get the price you want.